Tuesday, July 3, 2007

12 tribes, 9 candles, 8 days, 1 artist

I am well aware that we are no where near Channukah, but this Channukiah made by Lynn Rae Lowe which represents the 12 Tribes is perfect for this week's parsha which divided the land between the tribes. Ms. Lowe says "The artist Kandinsky wrote a wonderful book called Concerning the Spiritual in Art. In it, he basically says that the artist is a very blessed soul, and that each one has a responsibility to return his or her gift to society. Like all of these artists, I'm returning the gift that I have in the best way that I can." What a wonderful way to approach life and work!


Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful Channukiah. Thanks for showing it to us.

Anonymous said...

oh wow, that is wonderful. As someone who is very attracted to the *earthiness* in art...this Channakiah spoke in volumes. Thanks for a great find Toby!

Anonymous said...


Sharon Amir said...

Beautiful Chanuukiah!!!
So special!