That is where places like J-Date come into play. J-Date, for those of you who may be living with your head in the sand is an internet dating site for Jewish boys and girls who want to meet each other and make a shiddach!
As in most endeavors, success at Internet dating is often the result of knowledge, energy, and attitude. But even with a great approach, luck and timing are sometimes what make the difference. After all that work, you just might find your soul mate while casually browsing profiles at 9 a.m. on a Saturday.
For one single guy in New York City, that’s exactly what happened.
“I was going through profiles and looking for someone more alternative and artsy,” Dave says of his Saturday morning surf on JDate. “One definitely jumped out; very ‘Amelie’-esque. I thought, ‘Ah, I’ll bookmark that…’”
Sara’s charming photo showed her in a photo booth blowing bubbles. Sara says she was “looking for someone who was in touch with his Jewish side and who had Jewish values, but was hip and creative.
Little did she know, her well-chosen profile picture had attracted the attention of just such a fellow. And he immediately contacted her. Find more about their story here...

These stunning kippot come from the website of Nicole Curl and Jan Marie Lanier who are the owners and artists for Silk Bijoux. Who would have thought it? Not only can you meet the love of your life, but you can also find the loveliest of kippot all on the internet! G'd is a miracle worker!!!
Thank you for your thoughfulness. Love the art you share with us.
Look for a posting on the names later this month.
Will keep looking and again thank you. The name post should be really fun.
You are invited to use my blog
and it would be nice if you'll publish my 3D Magen David Sukkah lampshade
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