Monday, January 8, 2007

Tu B'Shevat

I can recall as a child bringing home forms from Hebrew School. We were encouraged to buy trees to plant in Israel. Buying a tree to plant in someone else's backyard (Israel) is a very Jewish thing. We buy them for weddings, bar mitzvah's, funerals- everyone can always use a tree. Really.

Politics aside, I like to believe that the Israelis have built in Israel something that no other country, no other people could do. What was once a barren dessert now blooms with flowers. Israelis are known as farmers- flowers, trees, fruit, vegetables. I like to think that my little trees have contributed to that development.

On February 3rd- the fifteenth day of the month of Shevat- we will celebrate Tu B'shevat- essentially it is a Jewish Arbor Day. As part of my celebration, I would like to focus on trees in Jewish Art here in the Journal.

Today's beautiful works are from Jeanette Kuvin Oren . Jeanette creates in quilts and fabric but designs as well in mosaic and stained glass. The Hebrew in the piece below says Etz Chaim- tree of life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eti told me that she heard on the news awhile back that Israel is the only country in the world whose amount of trees has increased over time. Must be all those trees we bought while at TBS! I have a certificate around here somewhere for one of those trees. - One of Eti's closest and oldest friends does paper cuts. We have a couple on our walls ..truly amazing.