Monday, November 3, 2008

Good thoughts.

I choose to interupt the Chanukah gift guide to bring you.... Iris Mishly's birthday and her lovely wall hanging which invokes thoughts which here in the states we can use a little more of!
BTW: ON the 31st, a cute neighbor teen came around in a McKippah! He was disappointed to learn that I knew all about them- and the Obakahs!


Anonymous said...

Dear Doctor Mom,
Hi there. We met at the Emory alumni event.
Every where I go people comment about my hamsa amulet charm from Tzfat. I ordered 3 from the artist this past Fall and she shipped them to me.
If you would like to post on your web site you can contact her directly. I think she charged around $70 US dollars each..Lana Laor
101 Dizengoff Street, App. 2
Tel Aviv, Israel

If you send me your email, I can send you the jpeg photos. Jen

Iris Mishly said...

Thank you so much! i have seen it only now :)
hugs from Israel!