Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dreidel with the cowboys...

You must take a look at this adorable video

This is an ebay find... from wood carver Gregory Ruvinsky.


Anonymous said...

YAH!!!! you blogged. I know it is very selfish of me, but I so missed your posts. I know you have to go back to work soon so I will get my eye candy fill while I can :D What a great ebay find!

Anonymous said...

Love the video. One more cowboy and they would have enough for a Chanukiah.

Anonymous said...

What a great blog! Thank You! I got to your site from Debbie Harris'site. I actually had in mind to do something similar to what youre doing here..Im starting up an online business geared towards jewish creatives (people who are and people who like creative things...) Right now its geared primarally towards custom labeled kosher wine (hence the name) but I would like to make its a destination for all kinds of things jewish and creative... maybe via a newsletter, blog etc...Was looking for jewish crafters- found you. I like your site and Id love to hear from you
please write me just to connect or to participate. Thanks :-) ~~Annita