Friday, December 21, 2007

Five Elements of the Jewish Blessing

Irene Konig demonstrates two ways versions of the priestly blessing. As you stroll through Irene's website you will see how her art is inspired by her Jewish roots and personal spirituality.

“He blessed them, giving each the blessing appropriate to him” Genesis 49:28.
There are many variations on how the blessing is made in Jewish homes today. The most
common custom is for the father to put his hands on the child's head and recite the blessing. In some homes the blessing is followed by a kiss, and in other homes it is followed by personalwords of praise. In some homes the mother gives the blessing together with the father, in other homes the mother gives the blessing in addition to the father, and still in other homes the mother gives the blessing instead of the father. In some homes each child gets up at the table and stands
before the parent to get the blessing, and in other homes the parent walks around the table and blesses each seated child.
Whatever procedure followed, the blessing is sure to make the child feel special and loved and give the child fond memories of family-together time. In the book entitled The Blessing (Pocket Books, 1986), Gary Smalley and John Trent give five elements that were important to blessings that parents gave to children in the Bible.

Read about the five elements here.

Shabbat Shalom!

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