Here is an article from the
New York Times about J-date... only some of the players want to date without being a J.
The number of non-Jews on the site is difficult to estimate: 50,000 of its 600,000 members identify themselves as religiously "unaffiliated," but they include Jewish members who don't want to identify themselves as "secular" or with any particular sect. But interviews with people who use JDate suggest that gentiles have become an increasingly visible presence in recent years (full disclosure: this reporter is one of them) on a site that was designed to promote mating within the tribe. Ester Shahaf, a graduate of Tel Aviv University in theater and costume design is the talented artist who created these candlesticks. A perfect gift for a pair of newly weds so they can have the first of many Shabbat Shaloms!
Interesting and not surprising that many non-Jews are cruising J-Date. In my many interesting conversations with customers on my website, Challah Connection, I have been touched and impressed with the number of non-Jews who really love our traditions and emphasis on family. Particularly for Jewish Holidays and Shiva Gifts, non-Jewish friends really want to "get it right" for their Jewish friends. We should all be so interested in each other and respectful of others' beliefs!
This blog is just beautiful, I especially liked the candlesticks. This made me want to share with you this amazing website I just discovered, www.fridaylight.org. For all Jewish women that are interested in lighting a candle on Friday night, this website is a great resource.
I personally lit my first Shabbat candle 2 months ago, at the age of 26. Reciting the blessing in front of the flame made me realize how meaningful this action is. I felt overwhelmed with peace and serenity.
Go check it out, and maybe you too will get the inspiration!
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