HEY WORLD- SING Yom Haledet Sameach to Risa!
Risa is an attorney and a university administrator and a mom and a wife and a musician and a just wonderful human being. Among my fond memories of Risa are the many Shabbat evenings we went to services at the Anabel Taylor Hall and followed them with dinner at the Cabbagetown Cafe in Collegetown. Those dinners of soup, salad and bread warmed me inside and out!
In honor of my dear, dear friend I am going to post some attorney art. Tzedek, Tzedek. Justice Shall you pursue!!!

This piece is a popular print by Mordecai Rosenstein... I have its sister print, the Physician's Prayer. I love the colors and the way it flows.

This papercut is from Marci Wiesel According to Marci "Hearing the word justice pronounced twice reminds us that justice and righteousness must reign for both sides of every dispute. The straight and curved lines represent "Din" (Law) and "Rachamim" (Mercy), both taken into account in Jewish Law."
Happy Birthday Risa! I love you!
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